- worldwide shipping

  • Maraska Studio Magdalena Gil
    30-711 Kraków, ul. Sarmacka 7
    NIP: PL6792183030
    Regon: 364673547
    Numer konta bankowego: ING Bank Śląski S.A. 69 1050 1445 1000 0092 2708 0638
    tel: +48 501 276 925, email:


All the products offered in the e-shop can be delivered abroad to almost every country.
In such case we accept only bank transfer, payment via credit card and PayPal. For payment via credit card we use secure Dotpay payment system.
We ship via Polish postal service - Poczta Polska 
Delivery time 5 - 10 days. Please keep in mind that the delivery time of the order is filling the order plus time of delivery. 
To start shopping please create you account.


- Europe - Letter Registered Prioritaire (no more than 0,5 kg) - 20.00zł/ app. 4,5-6 Euro/ 6-8 USD
- Europe - Letter Registered Prioritaire (no more than 1kg) - bank transfer or payment via card - 35.00zł / app. 7-8 Euro/ 9-10 USD
- Europe - Parcel Prioritaire (no more than 2 kg) - 85.00zł/ app. 20-23 Euro/ 25-35 USD
- USA, Canada, Asia- Letter Registered Prioritaire (only napkins and papers, no more than 0,5 kg) - 25.00zł/ app. 6-7 Euro/ 8-10 USD
- USA, Canada, Asia - Parcel Prioritaire (no more than 2 kg) - 130.00zł/ app. 30-35 Euro/ 40-55 USD
- USA, Canada, Asia - Parcel Prioritaire (no more than 2 kg)- 145.00zł/ app. 33-36 Euro/ 45-60 USD 


- Bank Transfer
Our account data:

  • Maraska Studio Magdalena Gil
    30-711 Kraków, ul. Sarmacka 7

    ING Bank Śląski S.A. IBAN PL 69 1050 1445 1000 0092 2708 0638

- Credit Card and PayPal (please choose PayPal Payment Method)
Our PayPal email is
Payments can be made with a card issued both in Poland and abroad. Additional security guarantees that such transactions are secure and the number of shops accepting credit cards increases on aregular basis.


VAT is included in the sales prices.
If you wish to obtain the invoice please fill the Company Name and VAT Number fields in your account data. 
All prices are in polish zloty. 1 USD equals about 3-4 PLN, 1 Euro equals about 4-5 PLN.

If you have any questions concerning international delivery, please get in touch with us at: